Опубликован 2022-11-24



This article explores the associative-pragmatic expression of the language atom  "man" at the lexical level of the Uzbek language through lexical units.

Как цитировать

Yigitaliyev, U. (2022). “SHАХS” LINGVISTIK ZАRRАSINING LEKSIK SATHDA АSSОTSIАTIV VOQELANISHI. FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 11(11). извлечено от https://science.jdpu.uz/index.php/hp/article/view/7241

Библиографические ссылки

Yigitaliyev, U. S. (2022). The Semantics of Affirmative-Negative Sentences in the Uzbek Language and the Expression “Personality" in It. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN NONFORMAL EDUCATION, 2(4), 78-81.

Yigitaliyev, U. (2021). THE ROLE OF THE LINGUISTIC ATOM “PERSONALITY” IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL REINTEGRATION OF THE LANGUAGE SYSTEM. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 2(11), 384-390.

Yigitaliyev, U. (2021). Cognitive Analysis of Morphological Phenomena in the Uzbek Language (in Associative-Verbal Aspect). International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 249-252.

Yigitaliyev, U. Cognitive Analysis of Morphological Phenomena in the Uzbek Language (in Associative-Verbal Aspect). International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 249-252.

Yigitaliyev, U. (2022). OLАMNING KONTSЕPTUАL MАNZАRАSI VА UNING LISONIY-GRАMMАTIK TIZIMDА VOQЕLАNISHI (“shахs” kontsеpti misolidа). FILOLOGIYA UFQLARI JURNALI, 11(11). извлечено от https://hp.jdpu.uz/index.php/hp/article/view/7216

Yigitaliyev, U. S. (2022). The Semantics of Affirmative-Negative Sentences in the Uzbek Language and the Expression “Personality" in It. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN NONFORMAL EDUCATION, 2(4), 78-81.

Yigitaliyev, U. (2021). THE ROLE OF THE LINGUISTIC ATOM “PERSONALITY” IN THE PHILOSOPHICAL REINTEGRATION OF THE LANGUAGE SYSTEM. Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal, 2(11), 384-390.

Yigitaliyev, U. (2021). Cognitive Analysis of Morphological Phenomena in the Uzbek Language (in Associative-Verbal Aspect). International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 249-252.

Yigitaliyev, U. Cognitive Analysis of Morphological Phenomena in the Uzbek Language (in Associative-Verbal Aspect). International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 249-252.


Umid Yigitaliyev

Qo'qon DPI

Ключевые слова:

linguistic level, lexical level, associative connection, pragmatics, concept of personality, meaning transfer.


Раздел: Статьи

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